Ravaged: A Collection of 11 Erotic Monster Tales Read online

  Ravaged: A Collection of 11 Erotic Monster Tales

  by Simone Beatrix

  Published by Simone Beatrix, 2013.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. September 16, 2013.

  Copyright © 2013 Simone Beatrix.

  Written by Simone Beatrix.

  Table of Contents

  Taken by the Trolls by Simone Beatrix

  Punished by the Centaur by Simone Beatrix

  Taken by the Orc King by Simone Beatrix

  Forced by the Snow beast by Simone Beatrix

  Bred by the Centaur by Simone Beatrix

  Bred by the Satyr by Simone Beatrix

  Alien Seduction by Simone Beatrix

  Alien Tentacle Seduction by Simone Beatrix

  Alien Hybrid Breeding by Simone Beatrix

  Alien Sex Ritual by Simone Beatrix

  Galileo’s Alien Gangbang by Simone Beatrix

  Taken by the Trolls by Simone Beatrix

  I raced through the woods, ducking below and around trees and brush. I knew they were chasing me, the beastmen. I had barely caught a glimpse of them, but I knew that if they caught me, I’d be truly fucked.

  If only I knew how fucked I’d really be, I might have slowed down to let them catch up.

  I hopped over a fallen log and found a small cave to duck into, I slid into it, and ducked down low. Two of the three beastmen ran past, grunting and hollering in their strange tongue. The last one was a bit slower, and stopped to catch his breath near the cave.

  I held mine, hoping to not attract his attention. The cave was hidden by some brush and bushes, so he shouldn’t have been able to see me at least.

  He caught his breath, kneeling down onto his knees and breathing deeply. Then he started sniffing, and moved closer to the cave. His strange grunts were intimidating, and I felt my heart catch in my throat. I squeezed my hatchet, hoping I wouldn’t have to use it.

  He slurped up some saliva and came closer, his nose working harder than ever. His curiosity was piqued, and I had a feeling my cover was blown.

  The other two beastmen hollered back for him, and he snarled, and darted off. I was safe, for now. But I was still alone in these woods, and I had no idea what happened to my companion.

  I was a woman, alone and vulnerable in the Forsaken woods.

  I set up shelter in the cave, and started a small fire. After hunting down some rabbits, I skinned them and dined down, since I couldn’t go looking for my companion in the dark. My best chance was to regain my composure, and try to make it back to their camp the next morning, when their guard might be lowered.


  The next day I woke up to my fire smoking, and the sunlight streaming into the cave. Definitely more of a temporary home than anything. I climbed out of the cave and made my way back to the beast camp, where I originally ran into them. My companion might still be alive back there at least.

  I found the tree I had marked earlier, and readied my hand axe and climbed over the last hill that separated me from their encampment.

  I shuffled up and peered over the edge, looking into their camp. It wasn’t different. The beastmen walked around, as if in patrol, with small huts surrounding a basic fire pit. A larger house was on the outskirts of the village, and I assumed it housed the leader of their tribe. I looked around carefully, and spotted a series of cages tucked back near the Leader’s house. I would have to be sneaky.

  I climbed over the hill and snuck along the ground, making my way around the outside of the village. The beastmen didn’t seem to have very good eye sight, but I knew they had a much better sense of smell than anything. After waiting for the two beastmen to make their way around the fire pit, I dashed to the cages and found her, Rebecca.

  “Oh my god! Scarlet! You’re safe!”

  “Shush! I’m here—don’t attract their attention.” I grabbed the bars of her cage, and looked inside. Her clothes were tattered and torn. “What’ve they done to you?!”

  “It’s amazing here Scarlet... You have no idea.” Her eyes seemed bright, not the vacant expression I expected.

  “You’re delusional, you’re in a cage!” I looked around, noticing that the cage had two rudimentary wheels on one side of it, with handles opposite of them. For moving I guessed.

  “I know! I wanted to be. The things these beasts know how to do, will drive you wild. As long as you don’t try to escape, they’ll let you do whatever you want. I like to keep playing their game though...”

  “Game? What do you mean game? Your life is at stake right now!”

  “It isn’t though! Look at me!”

  She was right, she didn’t actually look scared or injured at all. I wanted to get her out of there.

  “I mean, have you really looked at them?” Rebecca continued, while I searched around the cage to see if there was anything I could use to break the lock. “They’re beautiful creatures...”

  “They’re trolls!” I snarled.

  “No—there’s a different beauty to them. You haven’t really looked Scarlet. When was the last time you met a man who was just so... rippling with pure energy?”

  I glanced over my shoulder, and eyed one of the guards across the village. I suppose she was right, they did have a certain primal romantic sense to them... but they were still semi-beasts.

  “I can’t find anything to break the lock.”

  “That’s okay.”

  “It isn’t okay. I have to get you out of here.”

  Rebecca glanced over my shoulder, and I suddenly recognized footsteps behind me. One of the beastmen had caught me, red handed.

  He garbled at me in his alien tongue and seized me by my left arm, and I fought back, trying to wrestle from his grasp.

  “Don’t even try to fight it Scarlet! They’re way too strong...”

  I seized my axe off the ground and swung it at the guard, who grabbed my right wrist and squeezed until I dropped the axe. He had won.

  He picked me up and opened Rebecca’s cage, who didn’t even try to leave. He tossed me inside, and shut the door before I could scramble out.

  He smirked, and walked away, mumbling.

  “Ugh! Now what do we do?!” I sighed, exasperated.

  “We wait until nightfall. That’s when the Chief will come out and... make his decision.”

  “What decision?”

  “Which one of us he’s going to take into his hut for the night.”

  I gulped.


  The day passed slowly, and Rebecca recommended I try to get some sleep to make it go by faster. I spent several hours just trying to reach for my axe, upset I hadn’t thought to just use it to bash the lock open. After exhausting myself, I finally decided that there was literally nothing I could do, except hope to beg for my freedom that night from the Chief.

  The moon rose and the beasts lit their bonfire, the glorious blaze lighting up almost the entire village. The flickering shadows danced around the cages, which were partially hidden from the light by two buildings.

  Then the beastmen rallied around the fire, and began to chant, drumbeats matching their rhythm. I stared out of the cage in amazement, having never seen such a thing in my life. They had such a grace to their movements, I hadn’t noticed earlier.

  Rebecca was almost salivating she was so excited at the prospect of what was going to happen next.

  The Chief stepped out from within his hut, and sauntered out into the crowd of beastmen. He was enormous, and decorated with beautiful jewels and furs. The o
ther beastmen appeared to revere him. They bowed and knelt as he approached.

  He started speaking, but it was impossible to understand. Judging by his gestures, I could guess it had something to do with the full moon that was out that night. Rebecca and I were so distracted watching him, we didn’t even notice the two beastmen that had come up to our cage. Our cage was suddenly lifted up on one side, and the two beastmen rolled it over to the bonfire, climbing the small slope at the entrance to the Chief’s house which acted like a stage for his speech. We had a perfect view of the crowd around the bonfire now, the Chief’s backside blocking the fire itself. He finished his speech, and turned to face us. The two beastmen that had dragged our cage ducked back into the crowd.

  The Chief unlatched the cage door, not by unlocking it though, but by crushing the lock in his hand. I was terrified of his strength, and even more terrified of what he might do to me if he chose me.

  I glanced at Rebecca to gauge her reaction, and noticed that her skin wasn’t flawed. She was with the Chief last night, and there wasn’t a bruise on her. I hoped that I might be so lucky.

  The Chief reached into the cage and pulled both of us out of it with each of his hands. He pushed us forward to be presented on the stage for the other beastmen to marvel at. He came close to me, and I could smell his powerful breath. It wasn’t disgusting, just strong. He judged me with his eyes, then tore at my clothes, his fingers squeezing and pinching the fabric. I gasped as he shredded my shirt and pants until I was as presentable as Rebecca.

  He leaned in closer, and I could smell his scent now, and there was something... primal to it. A sickly sweet sweat kind of musk. It was like Rebecca said, I found myself both revolted and attracted to the creature at the same time.

  He chuckled and raised me up in the air with one arm, as if to inspect me further. I braced on his hand as tight as I could, hoping to not fall and break something. I’d a total goner if that happened. As ridiculous as it sounds, I thought that he wouldn’t choose me if I had a broken limb. That was the only thing I could focus on.

  When he set me back down, I remembered my idea. I collapsed to my knees and prayed before him.

  “Please let us go! We won’t tell anyone about what we’ve seen! I just want to be free!”

  He chuckled again, “So this one speaks?”

  I raised my head and stared up at him. “You can speak?”

  “Of course I can. I thought you couldn’t. The other one,” he pointed at Rebecca, “didn’t say a word all night, just screamed and hollered.” He flashed a grin.

  “Well, yes... umm” I wasn’t prepared for him to be... so eloquent.

  He noticed my hesitation. “Do you think because we live in the woods we aren’t intelligent?”

  I stared up at him.

  “What is your name?” he asked.


  “Scarlet,” he rolled the word around on his tongue, “I like that name. The color of blood.” He licked his lips. “I suppose you can know my name as well: I am Areck. I think, for tonight, I chose both of you. To teach you a bit of our culture.”

  He seized us both up by the arms, and turned to face the crowd. He spoke again, but this time, in his native tongue. They went wild, cheering and stomping. They danced and chanted louder this time, the drum beat picking back up as he carried Rebecca and I back inside. The drum beat pounded in my ears, even inside his hut, it was incredible.

  “You might have noticed,” he said, pushing me onto his bed, which was surprisingly luxurious. “We have no women out there.”

  I stared up at him, fear entered my face.

  “What are you going to do to me?”

  “Didn’t she tell you? I’m going to fuck and impregnate you, we Trolls need brood mothers, for our kind is dying out. As the leader of this village, its my job to make sure that happens.”

  “Impregnate me? You can’t... I won’t let you!” I squirmed to fight him off, trying to climb to my feet and run away. He pushed me back down onto the bed, where Rebecca seemed content as ever.

  “Rebecca! Do something!” I said, turning to her. She smiled, entranced. I looked at her, then him. He was doing something to her.

  “Why don’t you just relax, Scarlet?” he said, placing his hand on my chest. I squirmed again, thrashing to try and hit him or do anything.

  He caught my eyes and stared into them, and I felt a sense of peace overwhelm me. My arms stopped thrashing, and I relaxed back down against the bed, resting my head on Rebecca’s lap. She started stroking my hair.

  “Isn’t that better?” Areck uttered, his breathing growing heavy. He held me in his gaze, and as I looked over his body, I felt something twitch inside me.

  A warmth.

  I found myself agreeing with Rebecca, something about the man, was alluring.

  He grunted, reaching down and towering over me, pawing at my clothes. I shivered as he clawed and tore them off me, tossing the scraps to the floor. I was topless, exposed, vulnerable.

  He ran his hand around my body, scooting me closer to him. I pushed against his chest, and his lips explored me, nibbling my neck, making me melt. I didn’t want to admit it, but I was losing control, powerless.

  His tongue flicked out of his mouth, grazing my neck, moving down to my collarbone. I let a moan slip out of my lips, and he chuckled.

  His beast hands clasped around my wrists, holding my arms down on the bed as he moved his lips to take my nipple in his mouth. I felt sweat beading on my forehead, his tongue flicking hard against my tender breast.

  I moaned again, losing control of myself, his power overwhelming me. Rebecca saddled up next to me, playing with my hair, kissing my cheek.

  It wasn’t like her, but I couldn’t help but go along with it. She grew more and more ravenous, kissing my ear and licking me.

  The Chief continued sucking on my nipple, pulling another moan out of me. I squirmed against his arms, and he finally let go of my wrists. I ran my hand up his neck, pushing his head into me, making him suck harder, deeper.

  I cringed, his hand moving and parting my knees. His fingers slid up my bare leg, and brushed against my pussy.

  I was wet. Really wet.

  Rebecca had moved to the other side of me, and was sucking on my other nipple, and I felt like I was spinning, I was getting so dizzy from it all. The Chief moved his hand up and slid his fingers across my pussy, forcefully rubbing my clit.

  I screamed in shock, not used to such rough treatment of my body. He grinned, moving his hand faster and faster, my wetness splashing up onto my abdomen. I ran my fingers through Rebecca’s long black hair, pushing her to bite my nipple.

  I moaned, as Areck dragged his lips across my stomach, still maintaining a hard pressure on my clitoris. The sight of such a creature going down on me made my stomach spin, but at the same time, made me hornier than ever.

  Rebecca teased my nipple, moving her hand and cupping my breast. I groaned, the beastman teasing me with his tongue, slipping it against my pussy lips.

  “Mmm, you taste delicious, prime for breeding,” he commented, rubbing his hand against me again. I gasped, his touch warm and soothing.

  He grunted, dipping his head down and dragging his huge tongue across my pussy. I gasped again, his tongue slightly entering my slit, before slathering my clit with his hot beast saliva. I shivered as it coated me, sending a chill up my spine.

  Rebecca kissed my cleavage, licking up the sweat that was started to bead there, I couldn’t believe what was happening to me. She brushed my wet hair off my forehead, kissing me on the cheek.

  “It’ll be okay Scarlet, you’re gonna love this,”

  I nodded, almost afraid to tell her: I was already loving this. The Chief grinned darkly, lowering his head against my pussy and drinking me up. I gasped and rocked my body, his hands squeezing my ass and holding me against his mouth. He was too good at this.

  He slipped his tongue into me and slid it in and out, mimicking a normal man’s cock. A guttural groa
n came out of me as my back seized up, collapsing me against the bed. Rebecca kissed my stomach, continuing to lick up and kiss any sweat off my body.

  I ran my hands through the Chief’s thick mane, holding his mouth against me as my body seized and bucked, my hips rising to meet his mouth. He breathed deeply through his nostrils, blowing hot air onto my clit.

  I felt the warmth rising into me, his hot tongue just barely grazing my g-spot. He kept tonguing it, following my moans as they grew closer and closer together, louder and more insistent. I gripped a handful of his fur, and held on as my body rocked through an orgasm, climbing through me and exploding out.

  “Oh my fuck! Areck!” I screamed into the Chief’s room. Rebecca pulled off me, and grinned. She climbed off the bed and grabbed onto the Chief, kissing his bald face, her tongue lashing out and teasing him. He lifted off me, turning and ravishing her with his kisses, his lips pulling on hers.

  It was hot.

  He lost his focus, lifting his hands off of me and turning to her, groping her breasts. She moaned as he tweaked her nipples, picking her up by her waist and throwing her onto the bed. I just got to watch for now.

  “Oh god yes,” Rebecca cooed, as the Chief dipped down to taste her as well. He spread her knees forcefully, nearly knocking them against the bed. She was already wet, and ready to go.

  He dipped down and took a large whiff of her, savoring it. “Mmmm, you are also delicious, as you were last night,” he said to her. She smirked at him, as he ran his tongue across her inner thigh, teasing her lips and folds.

  She squirmed under his touch, and begged him to do more, “don’t do that, just fuck me already...”

  He stood up, happy to oblige. As I watched, I didn’t even notice my own fingers on my pussy, vibrating against my clit. I squeezed my breast, as I watched the Chief grab Rebecca by her thighs and bring her closer to meet his thick cock.

  It was enormous, much bigger than any man I had ever seen, I didn’t even think Rebecca would be able to take him, but she looked on with excitement, not anxiety.